
CBAs marked "Yes" address a given topic or question or "No" do not address that topic or question. Or there is no CBA, the CBA is unknown, or a FOIA request was denied.

Question Answer
Does the CBA require or incentivize college or post-secondary education? NO CBA
Does the city CBA prohibit felons from becoming law enforcement officers? NO CBA
Does the CBA require or incentivize law enforcement officers to learn first aid skills? NO CBA
Does the CBA have provisions related to firearms training? NO CBA
Does the CBA have provisions related to training with tasers or other nonlethal weapons? NO CBA
Does the CBA require law enforcement officers to learn any martial arts? NO CBA
Does the CBA require law enforcement officers to submit to regular psychological counseling/evaluation? NO CBA
Does the CBA require performance evaluations? NO CBA
Does the CBA restrict licensing procedures for law enforcement officers or departments? NO CBA
Does the CBA reference citizen review boards? NO CBA
Does the CBA limit union authority to pay and benefits issues? NO CBA
Does the state/city CBA require law enforcement officers to do driving training regularly? NO CBA
Does the state/city CBA require law enforcement officers to do driving training regularly? NO CBA
Does the CBA require law enforcement officers to take regular mental health training? NO CBA
Does the CBA forbid the transfer or reassignment of an officer as a form of discipline? NO CBA
Does the CBA have provisions related to community policing? NO CBA
Does the CBA give the union the power to approve or disapprove new training programs for law enforcement officers? NO CBA
Does the CBA have provisions involving the union in the process for promotions, unit assignments, and transfers? NO CBA
Does the CBA have provisions related to the use of body-worn cameras or body-worn camera video evidence? NO CBA
Does the CBA contain provisions related to misconduct investigations? NO CBA
Do officers have a right to request third-party arbitration for grievances, including over disciplinary actions? NO CBA
Does the CBA contain provisions related to discipline for misconduct? NO CBA
Does the CBA explicitly allow for a state ombudsman outside particular police departments to hold law enforcement officers accountable for misconduct? NO CBA
Does the CBA regulate processes for retaining officer disciplinary records? NO CBA
Does the CBA require notice to officers of investigations? NO CBA
Does the CBA determine a timeline for investigations? NO CBA
Does the CBA contain provisions related to compensation during misconduct investigations? NO CBA
Are there any statutes or regulations that prohibit or restrict collective bargaining with police unions? NO
Does the state have a "police bill of rights" statute or regulation? NO
Is there a CBA with the police union? NO
Is the current CBA publicly available online? NO CBA