Does the CBA contain provisions related to compensation during misconduct investigations?

Topic: Investigations

CBAs marked "Yes" address a given topic or question or "No" do not address that topic or question. Or there is no CBA, the CBA is unknown, or a FOIA request was denied.

District Answer
Alaska YES
Summary: Officers are placed on authorized leave without pay during an investigation or can use accrued personal leave; if they are not found guilty, any personal leave used will be reinstated.
Anchorage, AK NO
Alabama NO CBA
Birmingham, AL NO CBA
Arkansas NO CBA
Arizona NO CBA
Chandler, AZ NO
Gilbert, AZ NO CBA
Glendale, AZ NO
Phoenix, AZ NO
Scottsdale, AZ NO CBA
Tucson, AZ NO
California NO
Anaheim, CA YES
Summary: Employees can appeal suspensions, demotions, or dismissals and may receive backpay if they are reinstated.
Bakersfield, CA NO
Chula Vista, CA YES
Summary: Backpay may be awarded after the resolution of certain grievances.
Fremont, CA NO
Fresno, CA NO
Irvine, CA NO
Long Beach, CA NO
Los Angeles, CA NO
Oakland, CA NO
Riverside, CA NO
Sacramento, CA NO
San Bernardino, CA NO
San Diego, CA NO
San Francisco, CA NO
San Jose, CA NO
Santa Ana, CA YES
Summary: Officer can appeal for backpay following the disciplinary procedure.
Stockton, CA YES
Summary: The city may agree to issue backpay following an appeal.
Colorado NO CBA
Aurora, CO NO
Colorado Springs, CO NO CBA
Denver, CO NO
Connecticut NO
District of Columbia NO
Florida YES
Summary: If an officer is not allowed to work during the investigation, they shall be placed on administrative leave with pay.
Hialeah, FL NO
Jacksonville, FL YES
Summary: The officer will not be suspended without pay during the disciplinary procedure, unless an officer is arrested on a felony charge, fails a substance abuse test, disobeys a direct order from a superior officer, or is a danger to themselves or others.
Miami, FL NO
Orlando, FL YES
Summary: Employees may be relieved of duty or reassigned pending investigation. If an employee is found not guilty they will be awarded backpay, however, if an employee is found guilty or pleads guilty to a lesser offense will not receive backpay.
St. Petersburg, FL NO
Tampa, FL NO
Georgia NO CBA
Atlanta, GA NO CBA
Hawaii YES
Summary: Employees may be placed on unpaid leave pending investigation; if cleared, they will receive backpay.
Honolulu, HI YES
Summary: Employees may be placed on unpaid leave pending investigation; if cleared, they will receive backpay.
Iowa YES
Summary: Employees can receive retroactive awards of wages through arbitration.
Idaho NO CBA
Boise, ID NO
Illinois NO
Chicago, IL YES
Summary: Initial investigations will be conducted while an officer is on-duty.
Indiana NO CBA
Fort Wayne, IN NO
Indianapolis, IN NO
Kansas NO
Wichita, KS YES
Summary: An officer's rank, pay, and benefits lost will be restored if they are not found guilty following an investigation.
Kentucky NO CBA
Lexington, KY NO
Louisville, KY YES
Summary: Officers may be suspended without pay pending an investigation; if discipline imposed after completion of an investigation is less than termination, the time spent suspended without pay should be deemed time served towards the imposed discipline. If the discipline imposed is less than time served, "the officer shall be made whole."
Louisiana NO CBA
Baton Rouge, LA YES
Summary: Employees are considered "on-duty" while on paid administrative leave during an investigation.
New Orleans, LA NO CBA
Massachusetts NO
Boston, MA NO
Maryland YES
Summary: The state agrees to reimburse any bargaining unit member who is charged with a felony and suspended without pay in the event the felony criminal charges are disposed of by a court with a finding of not guilty or where the prosecutor declines to further pursue all of the felony charges by way of a nolle proseque.
Baltimore, MD YES
Summary: An employee can be suspended with or without pay and must be paid backpay if they are found not guilty.
Maine NO
Michigan YES
Summary: The officer will receive full backpay if they are found not guilty of charges.
Detroit, MI NO
Minnesota YES
Summary: At the department's discretion, an employee may be put on paid leave during an investigation for up to 30 days (or more with approval).
Minneapolis, MN NO
St. Paul, MN NO
Missouri NO CBA
Kansas City, MO YES
Summary: Leave may be paid or unpaid; if it is unpaid and officer is cleared, backpay may be issued.
St. Louis, MO NO
Mississippi NO CBA
Montana NO
North Carolina NO CBA
Charlotte, NC NO CBA
Durham, NC NO CBA
Greensboro, NC NO CBA
Raleigh, NC NO CBA
Winston-Salem, NC NO CBA
North Dakota NO CBA
Nebraska NO
Lincoln, NE NO
Omaha, NE NO
New Hampshire YES
Summary: No unit employee shall suffer loss of state-paid benefits during a suspension with or without pay pending investigation.
New Jersey YES
Summary: Employees under investigation will continue to receive compensation.
Jersey City, NJ NO
Newark, NJ NO
New Mexico NO CBA
Albuquerque, NM NO
Nevada YES
Summary: Employees may not be suspended without pay during an investigation
Henderson, NV NO
Las Vegas, NV NO
North Las Vegas, NV YES
Summary: An arbitrator can award backpay for the time an employee was suspended.
Reno, NV NO
New York NO
New York, NY NO
Ohio YES
Summary: Employees will be in on-duty paid status for the duration of all investigation interviews.
Cincinnati, OH NO
Cleveland, OH NO
Columbus, OH YES
Summary: Officers may be placed on authorized leave without pay pending a departmental hearing for no longer than 20 days and may issue a claim for backpay if found not guilty.
Toledo, OH YES
Summary: An officer may be relieved from duty pending investigation; backpay will be issued if an officer is not found guilty.
Oklahoma NO CBA
Oklahoma City, OK NO
Tulsa, OK NO
Oregon NO
Portland, OR NO
Pennsylvania YES
Summary: Employees may be suspended with full, partial, or no backpay. Employees may be suspended without pay pending investigation for no more than 20 days, after which time employees must be placed on suspension with pay or returned to restricted duty status.
Philadelphia, PA NO
Pittsburgh, PA NO
Rhode Island YES
Summary: Employees will continue to receive compensation during a disciplinary suspension prior to a hearing.
South Carolina NO CBA
South Dakota NO CBA
Tennessee NO CBA
Memphis, TN NO
Nashville, TN NO
Texas NO CBA
Arlington, TX NO CBA
Austin, TX YES
Summary: If an officer is suspended indefinitely, they may be given a lump sum of all accrued vacation hours; if the suspension is overturned, they will be granted backpay but it will be offset by any lump sum they received.
Corpus Christi, TX NO
Dallas, TX NO
El Paso, TX YES
Summary: Arbitrators have the authority to award full or partial backpay following an appeal of disciplinary action.
Fort Worth, TX YES
Summary: Officer can receive up to 180 days of backpay if charges are dismissed at the commission's discretion.
Garland, TX NO CBA
Houston, TX NO
Irving, TX NO CBA
Laredo, TX NO
Lubbock, TX NO CBA
Plano, TX NO CBA
San Antonio, TX YES
Summary: If an officer's criminal charges are acquitted or dismissed, the chief of police has 30 days to charge the officer with violation of Civil Service Rules. If the chief fails to charge the officer in that time, they will be reinstated with backpay and benefits.
Virginia NO CBA
Chesapeake, VA NO CBA
Norfolk, VA NO CBA
Richmond, VA NO CBA
Virginia Beach, VA NO CBA
Vermont NO
Washington NO
Seattle, WA YES
Summary: Backpay will be awarded if an officer is acquitted of charges.
Wisconsin NO
Madison, WI NO
Milwaukee, WI NO
West Virginia UNKNOWN
Wyoming NO CBA